Emilie [diligent worker] Lauren [guarded by God]

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just a thought

Talking to a friend yesterday, God began to show me something really cool... so why not share? :)

My friend was complimenting me on listening to what God told me to do recently. I was a little nervous, but I went through with it, and God being so good, It was perfect. :) She said that she loved how I was unashamed (personally, not a quality I would choose for myself...) and she wanted to be like me. Which got me thinking, it has never been what I've done, it has always been what God has done.

Through out my life, I have never been able to give God complete focus. Fact of the matter is, I'm human and until I'm in heaven, my flesh will always be stuck to my spirit. I've pursued other of things over God millions of times. But here it comes... the beautiful thing.

He has ALWAYS pursued me. 

Sometimes it just takes the time to "stop and smell the roses" to realize how much he adores and longs for me, and for you. As I talked to my friend, I felt led to tell her how much Jesus loves her, and today you.

If you were the only person on the entire planet that loved roses, literally EVERYONE else hated them, God still would have created them, just to see you smile. :) He loves you that much.

So, today I'd like to remind you, that the God of the universe loves you more than you can fathom. He adores you, he cares about you, and wants to carry all your weight. 

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